
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My haiku

in room 11 we have been doing haiku

Bollywood is fun

Bright clothes, loud music, cool moves 

Indian culture

Thursday, October 21, 2021


in room 11 we have been doing where we been in the weekend and this is mine hope you like it :D

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Pepeha

 In room 11 we  have been making Pepeha's Here this is mine

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


This is my Onomatopoeia


Monday, September 13, 2021

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Olympics Underwater

on your mark get set go I ran as a cheetah I jumped over the hurdles as the other athletes started to catch up up My body started to hurt My Bones hurted so badly as I sprinted so fast I was so close to win and than I Won The End

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Our Holiday

                Our nice holiday in the weekend.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Noke Worm Facts


Matariki goal


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021


This term we have been learning about temperature   heres mine

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How to Make Hot Chocolate

this is how we make how chocolate Hope you like it :)



Monday, June 14, 2021

Spaceship space story


I hear loud engine noises. I go outside and see a large moving spaceship. It lands and I go inside. I hear creepy sounds and  aliens talking from my Mind. 

I smell rotten and stuffy engines and I am so scared and frightened.  I go into the hallway, it is massive and there is lots of unbreakable doors that the aliens were having a sneak peak and they pop out and they say come with us so i rain behind me. and i got trapped nowhere else left to go so i went under them and ran and they start running. and they start catching up so i run even faster.  Then I go in this room and there is a giant or massive guy it looks like a monster and he is waiting  sitting on a king seat that and it spinned   chair.  that he spined the spinny chair and he got mad so I ran.  

King Alien and those were normal and i ran as fast as posible and i ran so fast i hided in a locker and did a sneak peak. They ran   and  they went straight down so dark....

Friday, May 28, 2021

Language Features

 We have been learning about onomatopoeia and similes.

My Smiles 
I am as athletic as an Olympian
I am as fast as a cheetah
I am as funny as a comedian
I am a scientist, maybe lots of other Stuff.

Slide Quiz

We have a new class name, Riroriro. Please play my quiz about the Riroriro. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Viking Village

Old rickety and wobbly  roads made of wooden planks.c

I see dragons on the side of the houses.

I saw a shield swords axes. And a fire skulls on a stick 

I heard a clanking noise and banging noise when they build houses and axes and swords. 

I hear the water sailing ahead.

I smell fire and the steam from the fire.

It is like a village in a game.

Friday, May 7, 2021

LIttle Red Riding hood Character Description


LIttle Red Riding Hood lives in the forest with her mum.

She has short brown hair with brown skin. She wears a red hood. 

 She is kind because she gave a basket to her grandma. She is forgetful because she forgot don’t talk to strangers.

She is brave because she talked to the wolf.

I think she is happy and friendly.

Friday, April 9, 2021


 We have been learning probability. We made some using clips a movie maker.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Duffy Theatre Writting

 On Monday there was A duffy show.  When we went in there, we said Ki Ora and they started dressing up. Their background was planet earth, then they moved it around.


  There were 3  people  in real life, and  in total there is 6 characters. Duffy and Scruffy went to their auntie’s farm for lockdown. Duffy, scruffy, auntie, moo moo molly, chickens Bess were Playing a Song and Dancing.    

Duffy was sad because he didn't like being online, he liked reading books but he wanted new books.  His Mum started ringing then auntie gave the phone to Duffy and Duffy said Mom can I have new books and his mom said yes I will send them.   

When the new book came, Scruffy sanitised the book and it got all fuzzed up.   Then Duffy was super mad and unhappy.  He threw the ipads away and then he was walking backwards and he fell down the hole. He found moa bones then Bess fell down and Duffy was happy when he had a friend.

Duffy Was Shouting out as loud as he can, and Scruffy said to her self “Its all my fault…. wait... who is that shouting? let me go there.”  Duffy says help help I need help. Duffy what happened I fell down the hole says duffy ooh are you ok. yes I want to tell you something what. is it? Sorry that I sanitize your book for now I wouldn't. sanitized anything thanks so much says duffy And I want to say something. Im sorry that I threw are ipads Its. ok I will call auntie ok says Duffy. Auntie Auntie Auntie says yes Duffy got stuck. what says auntie he actually. got stuck in a hole. with bess OK Says Auntie Let Me get a rope Quick Ok. Auntie says Hold on Duffy. grab the rope hard and bring Bess with you Ok duffy. Yes Auntie

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Fun Run

 when I went to fun run i was nervous and i was i wasent that happy but the opstaccles were super hard and I ran with Zander and I wasent that suprised and the people went  me i dont know but i was cold i was so cold

Friday, March 5, 2021

Minal Face

       Our class had been learning how to draw self portraits using Google Draw. It was hard at the start but  when we got used to it, it was easy.We put a lot of effort and a lot of time. We had to be resilient, as sometimes you had to redo parts of your face.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

About Me


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Persuasive Writing Minal Kapoor

                                                      Were learning about Presuasive Writting.

Monday, January 4, 2021